Let me tell you a story - Part one

Client A: " I think I need a Business Plan "
Me: "Why do you think that and have you ever had one?" I can defiantly help, however lets chat. 

The conversation continues, we arrange a time and book in a planning session over 3 weeks. This results in a one page business plan, business goals and clarity for Client A. The turn over forecast from this was significant especially compared to last year and the goals audacious, however achievable.  So, I let him sit on it for a while with conversations and 'keeping in touch calls', then what do you know, another meeting and phone call  later and he has followed through on everything recommended, gaining his biggest contract ever. 

Now, two months later and I have completed his annual cash forecast showing that with the extra planning and even with minor tweaks, the forecast came out $3,000 less than projected, so incredibly close to what we planned two months ago, so it goes to show that with some great planning, great advisory and teamwork, anything is possible.

So, what are you waiting for, get in touch with Beyond Your Numbers, your team of Nelson Bookkeepers. We are more than happy have a confidential chat.