Covid-19 Lockdown Financial Support Factsheet

Following our online bookkeepers meeting yesterday afternoon, please see attached for you to download a factsheet for you as well as some details below.

Where possible please still pay your suppliers, remember the payments wheel still needs to go around. If we all stop payments, then no one will be able to pay suppliers and their staff.

Staff need to be paid from the subsidy received if applied for to the minimum of 80% - best endeavours or to 100% if and where possible – remember to get an agreement if you do not pay 100% of their wages as this is a variation to their agreements

Resurgence subsidy is available from Tuesday at 9am from IRD website and should be paid within 48 hours – this is based on a reduction of 30% decline in revenue. This is based on a 7 day period starting on the 17/8 and compared to a normal week in the 6 weeks prior to the increase to level 4.

Wage subsidy is available from 9am today via MSD website and is based on a 40% decline in revenue 14 days since the rise in levels to level 4. So from the 17th to the 30 August and a based on a 14 day period from the 6th July to the 6th of August.

Full time employees are those working 20 hours or more, otherwise they are part time

They have forecast that there are going to be 540,000 applications at lease so please be patient. Anything we can do to help, please reach out and ask. Lets hope for a positive announcement for the south island at least today, take care everyone.